High school students who are interested in singing with us are invited to schedule an audition with the North Carolina Master Chorale Youth Choir.
Auditions will be held at the Price Music Center (2620 Cates Avenue) on the NC State University campus. Parking is available along Cates Avenue and in the Coliseum Parking Deck located at Cates Avenue and Pullen Road. Auditions are held on a rolling basis and by appointment only. Please complete the form below to request an appointment.
Auditions are 10 minutes long with the Music Director and do not require any prepared material. Singers will be asked to vocalize for voice quality and range, participate in a short pitch matching and sight reading exercise (sight reading will not be counted against the singer), and sing the first verse of My Country Tis of Thee unaccompanied in one or more keys. The music and text may be found here.